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Account/Share Close Script

What is the Account/Share Close Script?

The Account/Share Close script is a game-changing tool built to simplify the account closure process for front line staff reducing manual effort and streamlining operations.

Intuitive UI: Designed with usability in mind, our script makes the account closureprocess straightforward and accessible for staff members of all levels. With guided steps and clear instructions, it minimizes errors and ensures consistency across closures.

Tailored for you: Tailor the account closure process to meet your credit union's specific needs and preferences. From customizable closure criteria to flexible workflow options.


How can Account/Share Close Script help you?

Let us know what your credit union needs are and how the Account/Share Close UI script can help your front line employees. Leave us your info and we will contact you to set up a meeting.

More Information

Feel free to reach out to one of our CUSO staff members for more information on this, and other services we offer.


(409) 923-1494

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