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Charge-Off Batch Script

Keep your members' accounts in good standing by automatically bringing shares with a negative balance positive if the funds are available in another of the member's share accounts and facilitating fee refunds. This Batch script can also automate the charge-off process for share accounts after a configurable number of days with a negative balance.

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Automatic Action: Will insert notes and close the shares and the account by utilizing the credit union's standard close account process.

Intelligent Decisioning: The script will check for loans, safe deposit boxes, certificates, or other special requirements defined by the CU.

Can be set up to  exclude certain shares or accounts as requested.

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How can Charge-Off help you?

Let us know what your credit union needs are and how the Charge-Off Batch script can help your employees. Leave us your info and we will contact you to set up a meeting.

More Information

Feel free to reach out to one of our CUSO staff members for more information on this, and other services we offer.


(409) 923-1494

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