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Adverse Action Script

A Custom batch script written to simplify the adverse action process for credit unions. By scanning all denied loans and personal membership applications, it generates an XML file that can be seamlessly delivered to third-party notice vendors or used internally to create PDFs for in-house notice printing.

Required Data Points

  • Loan Application Serial
  • Personal membership Application Serial
  • Denied Serial
  • Counter Serial
  • Decision Date (## days prior)
  • Fields needed to be included in output XML file
XML Output
Adverse Action Notice

How can Adverse Action help you?

Let us know what your credit union needs are and how the Adverse Action UI script can help your employees. Leave us your info and we will contact you to set up a meeting.

More Information

Feel free to reach out to one of our CUSO staff members for more information on this, and other services we offer.


(409) 923-1494

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